Ice Flame Mountain is a simple two-person survival game made with Flame and Supabase. The objective of the game is to survive longer than the opponent in an extreme hot and cold climate. You compete in realtime with another player.

This game contains no text to comply with the limitation.

How to play:
- Game will start automatically when two people open the game page. (You can use two browser tabs if you are playing alone)

- Once the game starts, both you and your opponent will be shown on the screen. You are the solid color one, and the opponent is the semi-transparent one.

- Swipe left and right to move your character

- If you get hit the flame, try to cool yourself off by touching the snow ball. If you get hit the snow ball, try to warm up by touching the flame. 

- If you get too hot or too cold, you lose. Try to survive longer than your opponent! 

- Once of the player loses, the game is over. Refresh the page if you want to play again!

Github Repo


- Image assets were generated using Image generator from Microsoft Design (credits below), with minor modification using Figma. Audio assets were downloaded from two different loyalty free websites (credits below).


Tyler Shukert


- Image assets generated using Image Generator from Microsoft Design:

- Background Music: 

- Sound effect:


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Cool! Impressive to see that you managed to create this as a realtime multiplayer. The win-lose wasn't much clear. But I guess that was mostly because of the no text limitation that you picked.